Magus Books
Transcendent Dreaming: Stepping into Our Human Potential by Christina Donnell, Ph.D., chronicles a series of dreams that, much to the author's surprise, revealed within her a capacity for prophecy, clairvoyance, stepping out of time, materialization, and ultimately, a state of oneness with all creation. These faculties of expanded consciousness, she proposes, lie dormant in humankind, ready to be awakened. Through example, the book invites readers to access their infinite nature by delving into their own dream experiences. In the process, it eases their transition from identifying with the individual self to identifying with the underlying intelligence pervading the universe. This blueprint for a transcendent humanity guides us toward a future of inner peace, joy, and wonderment independent of external circumstances.
*Multiple Award Winner
*Winner, 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards
*First Place, Reviewers Choice Award 2009
*First runner-up, Eric Hoffer Award 2009
*Finalist, National Best Books Awards
*Finalist, Montaigne Medal