Magus Books
“Angels that descend to Earth to sleep with human women and wind up teaching mankind the secrets of metallurgy, magic, cosmetics, and more. What a story! Lore of the Watcher angels is an important and often overlooked part of Jewish and Christian traditions that exerts a strong influence on Western magic and occultism. From ancient exorcisms and spells to traditions of ‘Witchblood’ and Theosophical teachings, the Grigori are there, though usually only mentioned in vague broad strokes. Harold Roth has shed light into these corridors of misty lore in a way that I think no author ever has. He tackles complicated texts like The Books of Enoch and Jubilees alongside traditions like Merkavah mysticism and Christian demonology and, in plain language, gives the clearest and best examination of the Watchers and the Nephilim that I have come across yet.”
—Jason Miller, author of Consorting with Spirits and other books
Harold Roth is an author and artist and among the foremost authorities on plants within the modern occult community. He has studied Hebrew as well as Jewish mysticism and magic for decades. The author of The Magic of the Sword of Moses and The Witching Herbs, Harold teaches classes on botanical magic, Kabbalah, and witchcraft.