Magus Books
An original, beautifully produced work (see specifications, photos, and video below) that explores the “star demons” and their correspondences in magic and astrology as revealed in the medieval grimoires and classical esoteric texts.
Stellas Daemonum offers an in-depth analysis of the spirits that appear in several late medieval and early modern grimoires. The book unravels these texts’ mythical, etymological, magical, and religious dimensions and, most importantly, draws out their astrological correspondences. The author shows how the spirit entities featured in these goetic grimoires can be best understood by studying the celestial nature apparent in the ancient concept of the daimon and through an extensive study of ninety-three of the spirits featured in the medieval and Renaissance texts. The book also explores how Judeo-Christian traditions ultimately “demonized” such expressions due to their polytheistic roots and made punishable by death any attempts to reconnect with them.
Lon Milo DuQuette
David Crowhurst lives in London, England. He formed his deep interest in religion, mythology, and the mysteries of the stars in his homeland of Wales. After experiencing the effectiveness of magical remedies passed down by family members, he became fascinated with the mechanics of magic and dedicated his life to its practice and study. He is a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis, is an aspirant to the A.:A.:, and has a particular passion for astrology and the ancient pagan religions of Europe and the Near East.